Narcotic Addiction Treatment Plan

Substance abuse disorders can affect people of all ages and walks of life. Narcotic dependence results in physical and mental illnesses that when left unchecked, can lead to grave consequences. What’s more, the effects of narcotic abuse goes beyond the person using it. It also deeply impacts one’s family, friends, and community. 

With devastating consequences and rising cases, the US Department of Health and Human Services has made narcotic addiction treatment and recovery services more accessible. 

How PainStop Spine Clinic Can Help

PainStop Spine Clinic now offers Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) to people struggling with narcotic dependence. MAT is a narcotic treatment program that uses a combination of medication and counseling to treat substance addiction and to help prevent overdose. 

PainStop Spine Clinic has a two-fold narcotic treatment program that focuses on the following:

  1. Suboxone Treatment Plan - Suboxone (or other buprenorphine preparations) has many benefits when it comes to treating opioid dependency. Compared to other narcotic treatment medications, Buprenorphine is safer and more accessible. The medication produces similar effects to narcotics in low to moderate doses. This helps wane the patient off of narcotics to prevent cravings or withdrawals. Buprenorphine is also a long-acting agent, which means that patients may not necessarily have to take it every day. 

  2. Substance Addiction Counseling - Narcotic addiction can sometimes go deeper than physical dependence. Some social or psychological factors can trigger a patient to relapse even when they are no longer physically hooked to narcotics. Apart from providing medication for addiction, PainStop also has a team of social workers that provide patient counseling. Through counseling, the patient can recognize and sort out harmful thought patterns, beliefs, and emotions that can lead to relapse. Counseling also helps a patient be accountable for their actions, which is an important step towards independence.

Patient-Focused Treatment

Narcotic addiction may have increased over the years, but its treatment and recovery services are now more accessible. It is an illness that needs a treatment plan that focuses on the individual patient’s needs. 

Through Suboxone (or buprenorphine preparations) medication and counseling, PainStop Spine Clinic gives patients a safe, accessible, and patient-focused treatment program. Ultimately, the goal of Medication-Assisted Treatment is to help patients fully recover and live purposeful lives.